As far as Lavazza is concerned, sustainability has a very precise name:
iTierra!. Dating back to 2002 and in collaboration with the NGO Rainforest Alliance, the goal of these projects is to improve the social, environmental and productive conditions of coffee growing communities all over the world.
On 30 October at The Global Coffee Festival, Lavazza will be taking viewers on a journey through these projects. First, a journey through South America, Africa and Asia, places where the quality of the final product has been achieved thanks to the care and attention paid to the living conditions of the producers, safeguarding the environment and developing new low impact farming techniques. A journey led by Veronica Rossi, Sustainability Reporting and Lavazza Foundation Manager at Lavazza, to discover the projects managed by Lavazza Foundation, with a focus on the project in Colombia.

(Lavazza ¡Tierra! project. Photo by Davide Bozzalla)
Because the Colombian project, particularly in the region of Meta, is interwoven with the changes the country has undergone, no coffee was grown in this fertile and uncontaminated region for many years because of the armed conflict with the FARC forces. But in 2013 with the end of the armed struggle, farming families received land from the government that had previously been used to grow illegal crops, with the aim of encouraging the coffee plantations to flourish again. Thanks to the Lavazza Foundation, more than a hundred families have rebuilt their coffee plantations, creating sustainable working conditions, improving the quality of the coffee and increasing the productivity of the plantations.
Lavazza La Reserva de iTierra! Colombia 100% Arabica is a product created thanks to these conditions as it contains coffee from the Colombian project. La Reserva de iTierra! is a range of premium blends for professionals in the Food Service sector that contain coffees coming from communities involved in Lavazza Foundation sustainability projects.
Learn more about Lavazza's sustainability project, and the range, at The Global Coffee Festival where David Cutler, Coffee Specialist, Brand Ambassador & Head of Training at Lavazza will guide viewers through his brewing considerations when working with coffee produced by these projects. Register for your free ticket here.